條款及細則 General Terms and Conditions

A. 定義 Definitions

  1. 「本公司」指 親吻記。
  2. 「客戶」指發票上指明的之人物或機構,包括客戶的員工、附屬機構、代表等。
  3. 「攝影師」指本公司拍攝、攝錄或製作其他媒體之員工。
  4. 「合約」指本公司與客戶之間所訂立的共同協議。
  5. 「訂金」指發票總額的五成(除非特別列明)。
  6. 「影像」指本公司所拍攝的相片及影片。
  1. “Our company” presents Kisski Studio.
  2. The “client” is the person or organisation to whom the invoice is addressed, including client’s employees, affiliates, and representatives.
  3. “Photographer(s)” is/are the person/people who shoot photos, videos or any other media.
  4. “Agreement” is the mutual arrangement between our company and the client.
  5. “Deposit” means 50% (or otherwise specified) of the invoice amount.
  6. “Images” mean photos and videos taken by our company.

B. 免責聲明 Disclaimer

  1. 本公司會合理地履行合約內的承諾。
  2. 本公司不會負責任何因本公司產品或服務而產生的損失和損壞。
  1. Our company takes all reasonable care in the performance of the agreement generally.
  2. Our company shall not be liable of any loss or damage suffered by client arising from use of our products or service.

C. 版權所有 Copyright

  1. 除非得到本公司同意,本公司擁有影像的全部版權。
  2. 本公司和攝影師保留使用影像權利作宣傳之用。
  3. 客戶需付清發票上所有款項方可擁有影像使用權。
  1. Unless otherwise agreed, the entire copyright of the images is retained by our company.
  2. Our company and photographers retain the right to use any images for their promotion.
  3. The license to client for the use of images only comes into effective once full payment of the invoice has been made.

D. 款項 Payment 

  1. 訂金用作預留拍攝時間,在任何情況下均不會退還。
  2. 任何影像及/或貨品只會於本公司收到服務全部款項後才會送出。
  3. 客戶如以匯票、外幣匯款單據或電匯支付方式,需另繳HK$100作為銀行服務費。
  4. 客戶如以採購咭、信用咭或PayPal支付方式,需另繳付款額之5%作為銀行服務費。
  1. Deposit is for service booking purpose. No refund of deposit in any circumstances.
  2. No images and/or physical products will be delivered until full payment is received.
  3. Client using payment by demand, foreign currency remittance receipt or telegraphic transfer is liable for HK$100 as the bank service charge.
  4. Client using payment by purchasing card, credit card or paypal is liable for 5% of payment amount as the bank service charge.

E. 確認服務 Confirmation of Service

  1. 服務只會於客戶收到本公司的確認郵件後確認。報價單或未付款的發票並不代表服務已被確認。
  1. Confirmation of service is only effective when the client receives our email of confirmation. Receipt of quotation, signed quotation or unpaid invoice does not imply confirmation of service.

F. 順延服務 Postponement of Service

  1. 在本公司的檔期許可下,於拍攝日期前兩星期通知本公司,可免費更改服務日期一次。
  2. 更改之服務日期須於原本拍攝日期後30日內,否則會視作取消服務。
  3. 若更改的服務時間未能乎合本公司的檔期,服務即被視作取消,訂金將不作退還。
  4. 若服務日期前一天獲通知臨時延遲服務,客戶需付服務全部款項。
  5. 若攝影師到達拍攝場地後獲通知臨時延遲服務,客戶需付服務全部款項及$500行政費。
  1. If we have availability on the rescheduled time, free change of date with 2 weeks notice before the appointed service day once only.
  2. The rescheduled time should be within the next 30 days, or otherwise regarded as a cancellation.
  3. If we do not have availability on the rescheduled time, the service will be cancelled without refund of deposit.
  4. If the postponement is notified one day before the service date by client, full payment have to be charged.
  5. If the photographer has arrived the service venue and the service is postponed by client, full payment and additional compensation surcharge (HK$500) have to be charged.

G. 更改服務 Amendment of Service

  1. 如客戶在原有服務上作出調整以致單價增加,需按比例補回差額的訂金。
  2. 如客戶在原有服務上作出調整以致單價減少,差額的訂金部份將不作退還。
  3. 更改項目將以更改時的最新價錢為準。
  1. If the total amount of service amended by client increases, deposit should be complemented on prorate basis.
  2. If the total amount of service amended by client decreases, deposit will be forfeited on prorata basis.
  3. Amended item(s) is/are based on the most updated price(s).

H. 取消服務 Cancellation of Service

  1. 訂金將不作退還。
  2. 若攝影師準時到達拍攝場地後獲通知臨時取消服務,客戶仍需付服務全部款項。
  1. No refund of deposit.
  2. If the photographer has arrived the service venue and the service is cancelled by client, full payment have to be charged.

I. 惡劣天氣安排 Extreme weather arrangements

  1. 天文台於活動2小時前懸掛黑色暴雨警告、8號或以上強風信號

1.1 延遲服務:客戶可免費更改活動日期一次,若客戶於已更改日期後,因任何原因未能如期拍攝,服務將會取消而不作退還訂金。

1.2 取消服務:訂金將不會退還。

1.3. 繼續服務:客戶需付攝影師到活動場地之的士費用以及全部費用的五成作為額外服務費。

  1. 其他暴雨警告或強風信號

2.1 延遲服務:訂金將不會退還。

2.2 取消服務:訂金將不會退還。

2.3 繼續服務:服務維持不變。

  1. Black rainstorm warning or typhoon signal no.8 or above effective 2 hours before the event

1.1 If the event is postponed: Change of date once only. The service will be cancelled for any other changes without any refund of deposit.

1.2 If the event is cancelled: no refund of deposit

1.3. If the event is carried on: taxi fare will be claimed from client, plus 50% surcharge of the total amount

  1. Other rainstorm warning or other typhoon signals:

2.1. If the event is postponed: no refund of deposit

2.2. If the event is cancelled: no refund of deposit

2.3. If the event is carried on: service remains unchanged

J. 無法履行服務 Failure to perform

  1. 若攝影師因意外或攝影師控制範圍以外的原因而未能履行服務(例如生病、意外等),本公司將會安排其他攝影師替代。
  2. 若本公司未能及時安排其他攝影師作替代、照片或檔案因器材失誤、被盜竊或其他不涉及攝影師出錯的原因而遺失或損毀,客戶之前所付的款項將會退還,本公司將不負任何其他賠償及法律責任。
  1. If photographer is unable to provide service due to accident or any cause beyond his control,e.g. illness, accident, we will attempt to procure another photographer to fulfill his obligation.
  2. If that does not succeed, we will return any fees paid by client and will have no further liability.This limitation of liability will also apply to for the event of which any images are lost or damaged due to equipment malfunction, being stolen, or otherwise, without the fault of photographer.

K. 指定攝影師 Appointed Photographer(s)

  1. 若該指定攝影師因個人原因、生病、意外或本公司控制範圍以外的原因而未能履行服務,本公司將會安排其他攝影師替代,指定攝影師的附加費用將會退還而不作其他賠償,客戶不得異議。
  1. If photographer is unable to provide service due to accident or any cause beyond his control, e.g. illness, accident, we will attempt to procure another photographer to fulfill his obligation.

L. 準時 Punctuality

  1. 本公司將準時提供服務,但並無責任和義務作提早準備。客戶請提前服務時間予攝影師準備。若攝影師因交通意外、被困升降機等意外而未能如時履行服務,服務時間將會順延,本公司將不負任何賠償及法律責任。
  1. We will be punctual for every job but no obligation for early standby. Please make sure the service starting time is loose enough for photographer(s)’ preparation. If the photographer is coming late due to any reasons, e.g. transportation failure or trapped in the lift, the service ending time will be extended accordingly for compensation without any further liability.

M. 交通 Transportation

  1. 若客戶需於服務時間內轉移拍攝地點,客戶需安排攝影師的交通。交通時間亦會計算在服務時間內。客戶需提供交通或代付交通費。
  1. 如報到地點有任何改變,客戶可能需付額外交通費。
  1. Transportation will be arranged by client when there is any moving of shooting locations within the service hours. The time of travel will be counted as service hours. Any costs incurred will be paid by client.
  1. Transportation cost would be charged if the first service venue is changed.

N. 膳食 Meal

  1. 用膳時間會計算在服務時間內。
  2. 於6小時或以上拍攝服務/半日婚禮攝影服務,客戶需提供一餐膳食予攝影師。於10小時或以上拍攝服務/全日婚禮攝影服務,客戶需提供兩餐膳食予攝影師。若場地並無提供膳食給攝影師,攝影師可有兩小時外出的用膳時間。
  1. The time of meal will also be counted as service hours.
  2. One meal will be provided by client for every 6 hours shooting job (also applicable for halfday wedding job).

i.e. Two meal for 10 hours job (also applicable for wholeday wedding job). If no meal is available for photographer(s) in the service venue, the shooting crew will have 2 hours for meal by themselves.

O. 超時 Overrun

  1. 若實際服務結束時間超出預定結束時間,本公司將會收取超時服務費。超時不足一小時者亦當作一小時論。
  1. Overrun cost would be charged when the actual service ending time exceeds the appointed ending time.Partial hour will be regarded as an complete hour.

P. 交送製成品 Delivery

  1. 製成品將以掛號形式郵寄光碟往客戶所提供的地址,或以其他方式送遞。客戶須確保掛號地址及收件姓名正確無誤,以及提供收件者全名作核對。若客戶在簽收後仍遺失製成品,重印製成品及再次寄送之費用將由客戶負責。若客戶發現製成品有損壞,該損壞製成品需於一個月內送交本公司作退換。
  2. 如光碟或其他儲存媒體損壞,可於收件後一個月內攜到本公司免費更換一次。如遺失光碟或其他儲存媒體,或於一個月後發現光碟或其他儲存媒體有損壞,需補回HK$500重新製作完成品。
  1. Finished products are delivered by Hongkong Post as registered packets, or other delivery methods. Clients should make sure the address and name of addressee are correct and deliverable. Full name should be given as the name of address for verification. For any loss of items claimed by client after receipt, disc reduplication and redelivery fees will be charged. If clients claim any damage of items, damaged items have to be returned and exchanged to us within one month.
  2. If the finished product in DVD(s) or other storage media is/are damaged, there is one chance of free exchange in one month after receiving the product.
  3. If the finished product in DVD(s) or other storage media is/are lost or damaged after one month after receiving the product, HK$500 will be charged for reproduction.

Q. 修改 Amendment

  1. 除於報價、發票或任何書面方式列明外,所有製成品均不設修改。
  2. 所有修改要求須於本公司傳送初稿或修訂版後2星期內提出,否則該稿將被確認成為最後製成品。
  3. 每次修改需時一星期。
  4. 其後每次修改附加HK$500。
  5. 本公司只會接受合理而可行的修改。
  1. Except quotation, invoice or otherwise specified in written format, all products are unmodifiable.
  2. Any amendment requests should be informed in 2 weeks after 1st draft is sent. Otherwise, the draft or amended image would be confirmed as the finalized version.
  3. The lead time for an amendment request is 1 week.
  4. The price for an additional amendment request is HK$500.
  5. Our company will only amend those reasonable and feasible items.

R.重新拍攝 Reshooting

  1. 任何重新拍攝的要求將當作新服務。
  1. Any reshoot requested by client, for any reasons, would be regarded as a new job.

S. 不接受 Rejection

  1. 客戶不能因風格、數量、色差等原因而不接受影像。
  1. There is no right to reject the images on the basis of style, quantity, colour accuracy, etc.

T. 產品攝影服務 ProductPhotography

  1. 一張相片內含有多於一件產品,所有產品須有重疊位置。否則,本公司會為每件產品逐一拍攝以達更高品質,價錢會以拍攝數量計算。
  2. 若產品表面的50%或以上為反光物料(例如:鏡面、珠寶、玻璃、金屬、不鏽鋼等),服務將視為珠寶首飾鐘錶攝影服務。
  3. 產品大小限制

i. 50x50x50cm以內: 不會收取額外服務

ii. 100x100x100cm以內: 每張相片額外收取HK$30

iii. 100x100x100cm或更大: 每張相片額外收取HK$60

  1. 客戶須於拍攝後2星期內選取所需相片,否則客戶須接受本公司所選取之相片。
  2. 客戶須於拍攝後2星期內取回產品,否則本公司將自行處置該產品而不作另行通知。
  3. 拍攝後的產品狀況可能與拍攝前略有不同(如包裝、濕度、潔淨度、結構)。本公司沒有義務將產品回復到拍攝前的狀態。
  4. 修改

i. 本公司提供一次免費修改。其後每次修改收取額外 HK$500 (其後每次修改包括 10 張相片,其後每張相片將收取HK$20)

ii. 每次修改需時一星期。

iii. 客戶須於初稿傳送後2星期內提出修改要求,否則客戶須接受所有完成製品。

  1. 附加相片

i. 客戶須於拍攝後一個月內選擇附加相片,並補回相關附加相片費用。

ii. 如客戶於拍攝後一個月後選擇附加相片,需補回相關附加相片費用的150%。

  1. For a single photo with more than one items of product, items should be overlapping. Otherwise, we will take the items separately as multiple photos for better quality.
  1. For product surface coated with 50% or more reflecting materials (e.g. mirror, crystal, glass, metal), the price of that photo should be charged according to jewelry photography price.
  1. Product Size limit

i. 50x50x50cm or smaller: no surcharge

ii. 100x100x100cm or smaller: +HK$30 each photo

iii. bigger than 100x100x100cm: +HK$60 each photo

  1. Photos should be selected in 2 weeks after finish shooting. Otherwise, clients have to accept photos selected by our side.
  2. Products should be collected in 2 weeks after finish shooting; Otherwise, products will be disposed without further notice.
  1. The status of products after shooting may be slightly different from before, e.g. package, humidity,

 cleanliness, composition. Our company has no obligation to restore the products to the previous status.

  1. Amendment

i. free for first amendment, HK$500 for extra amendment request (max. 10 photos, HK$20 for each additional photo)

ii. The lead time for an amendment request is 1 week.

iii. Time for amendment request: 2 weeks; otherwise clients have to accept that the job has been finalized

  1. Additional Photo Selection

i. Additional photo(s) should be selected within 1 month after finish shooting with additional charge.

ii. If additional photo(s) is/are selected afterwards, 150% additional charge will be incurred.

U. 即場派相服務 InstantPhoto Printing

  1. 列印限制

i. 本公司將準備預約以外100張備用相紙及相套。若相紙或相套使用完畢,服務將會停止。

ii. 客戶需確保場地有穩定電力及距離攝影師10米內的工作空間提供。

iii. 列印過程需於使用指定時間內完成。

iv. 所有未獲領取的相片將即場轉交給客戶。本公司並無責任將相片送遞給場外指定人。

v. 若發現相片有遺漏,客戶需於即場派相服務時段內通知印相員,要求加印。

vi. 若在服務時段結束後,列印的相片數量少於購買的相片數量,本公司將不會再補印,亦不會退回任何差額。

  1. Printing Limit

i. 100 spare photo paper and thank you card out of booked amount will be prepared. Service will be ceased when the printing materials are out of stock.

ii. Stable electricity and working area with less than 10m distance to the photographer should be prepared for the crew.

iii. Specified printing time is essential to the printing progress.

iv. Any uncollected photo printed will be passed to client immediately. Our company has no obligation to deliver the photos to any person outside the service venue.

v. If there is any missing photo(s), client should inform the printing assistant for reprinting in the instant photo printing service hours.

vi. If the printed amount is less than the book amount after the service hours, the service will be ceased without any refund.

V. 早拍晚播/即日相片動畫 Same Day Edit / Same Day Slideshow

  1. 製作條件

i. 客戶需確保場地有穩定電力及距離攝影師10米內的工作空間提供。

ii. 製作過程需於使用指定時間內完成。於製作時段內,攝影師或會離開拍攝場地,任何拍攝要求將受限。

  1. 播放條件

i. 客戶需確保場地配備正常影音系統,例如DVD播放機、投影機或螢幕、音響等。本公司只會提供可播放的DVD或其他指定媒體予客戶,而不能確保其播放質素。

  1. Editing Criteria

i. Stable electricity and working area with less than 10m distance to the photographer should be prepared for the crew.

ii. Specified editing time is essential to the photographer. During editing progress, the photographer may be away from the service venue. Any shooting request at that time is limited.

  1. Playback Criteria

i. Client should make sure the venue is equipped with proper AV system such as DVD player, projector or monitor, speakers. Our company will only provide playable DVD or any other media to client, but has no obligation to the quality of playback.

W. 現場收音 / 現場轉播服務 Sound feed /Live feed

  1. 現場收音服務技術要求

i. 客戶需確保場地的廣播系統音效控制台設穩定有效而可用的XLR(Cannon)音效輸出接頭。

ii. 音效控制台與主要攝錄機的距離應不少於20米及沒有任何障礙物。

iii. 若音效控制台的音效輸出有違上述任一狀況,現場收音服務將被干擾、受限或停止、本公司將不會作補償。

  1. 現場轉播服務技術要求

i. 客戶需確保場地的視訊控制台設穩定有效而可用的視訊輸出接頭,並符合預約時提出的接頭種類。

ii. 音效控制台與主要攝錄機的距離應不少於20米及沒有任何障礙物。

iii. 若音效控制台的音效輸出有違上述任一狀況,現場轉播服務將被干擾、受限或停止、本公司將不會作補償。

  1. Technical Requirements for Sound Feed Service

i. Client should make sure the venue is equipped with an effective, stable and usable XLR(Cannon) audio output plug on the audio panel for the PA system.

ii. Distance between the audio panel and the main camcorder should be within 20m without any obstacles.

iii. If there is any contrary to any condition above, the sound feed service will be interfered, limited or ceased without any compensation.

  1. Technical Requirements for Live Feed Service

i. Client should make sure the venue is equipped with an effective, stable and usable video input plug on the control panel for the screen.

ii. Wired connecting distance between the audio panel and the main camcorder should be within 20m, or otherwise specified, without any obstacles.

iii. If there is any contrary to any condition above, the live feed service will be interfered, limited or ceased without any compensation.

X. 航空拍攝服務 Aerial Photography and Videography

  1. 天氣狀況

i. 若服務當日能見度低於100米、風速高於20km/h、有雨、大霧、雷暴或有其他惡劣天氣狀況,服務會被中止而不會作任何補償。

  1. 地理狀況

i. 若客戶要求之服務地點為人多、擁擠、軍事用地、空域管制範圍、海拔300英尺以上或拍攝需於晚間, 服務會被中止而不會作任何補償。

ii. 若服務需於機場或維多利亞港上空進行,客戶須向民航處申請。

  1. 損害

i. 任何因飛行器問題而造成對客戶或相關人士的損害或危險、服務進度及活動流程延誤,本公司將不負任何賠償及法律責任。

  1. Weather Conditions

i. Service will be suspended in unclear sight (100m or below), windy (20km/h or above), rainy, foggy, stormy or any other bad weather conditions which would affect the flight safety. No compensation will be offered.

  1. Geographic Conditions

i. Service will be suspended if the drone will be flown over populated, congested, military, airexclusive area, altitude higher than 300 feet above ground level, or at night which is requested by client. No compensation will be offered.

ii. Client should get approval by the Civil Aviation Department if the drone will be flown over airports or the Victoria Harbour.

  1. Damage

i. Any damage and risk to client and related people’s body, property, work progress and event rundown due to the failure of drone will not be responsible by our company.
